Do not get carried away when someone give you a credit card, pay your bills! Fortunately, there are actions you can partake to reverse this.
You may be able to get a secured credit card even if your poor credit has prevented you from getting other credit cards. In order to get the card, you will have to fund the account as sort of an insurance that shows the bank your debts are going to be paid. A new credit card, used responsibly, will help repair your credit rating.
If your credit card has a balance of over 50% of your limit, it should be your number one priority to pay it off until the balance is under 50%. Any time you exceed 50% of your credit limit, your credit rating is affected. Pay off credit cards as fast as you can, or spread the debt out further.
If you are looking to repair your credit, then you should not believe a company if they promise they can remove negative information from the report. Specifically if this information is correct. This information can stay on your record for about seven years. If the information is an error, the credit report can be corrected.
Credit Card
Give your credit card company a call and ask them to lower the limit on your credit card. This is likely to keep you from overusing credit, which can be a financial burden. It also lets credit card companies know that you are responsible, and this makes them more likely to extend credit to you as time goes on.
The first step in repairing your credit involves a thorough and careful check to ensure your credit report doesn’t contain erroneous information. If you notice a mistake on your report, you could get some items crossed off. Even if the item itself is right, an error in the date or amount gives you the right to contest it.
Credit unions are an option for those who have run out of options when trying to find a line of credit to boost their score. Credit unions are normally located in communities and offer lower interest rates than national banks.
Take the necessary steps to fix any mistakes that you see on your credit reports by filing an official dispute. Write a dispute letter to any agencies with recorded errors, and include supporting documents. Your letter should be sent with a request for return receipt, so you can have a record that it was received by the reporting agency.
Close all your credit cards except for one as a means of repairing your credit. You may be able to transfer balances to your remaining account. You will be able to pay one bill instead of a plethora of small ones.
Check your credit card statement each month and make sure there aren’t any discrepancies. Should there be any mistakes, contact the company and talk to them to avoid being reported to the credit companies.
If you want a higher credit rating, you will need to bring down the balance on any existing accounts. By lowering your credit card balances, you will be able to improve your credit score. The FICO system makes a note to your credit report every time your account balance reaches a new 20% increment of your total available credit.
When you are having trouble paying your bills, debt collection agencies will start contacting you demanding payment. Cease and desist instructions can be used to ward off debt collectors to a point, but only really to prevent harassment. They can prevent collectors from continuing to call a debtor, but they do not excuse the debtor from his or her outstanding financial obligations.
Be careful of paying for a service or a lawyer that advertises quick or instant credit restoration, many of them are dishonest. Due to the large number of people experiencing credit difficulties, predatory lawyers have sprung up who charge big fees for credit repair services that are either useless or illegal. Research any lawyer who claims to help repair credit before getting in touch with them for help.
Addressing a bad credit report might seem daunting at first, but if you learn the tricks and stick to the process, you can improve your credit dramatically. Put the information you just learned into practice and start repairing your credit today.