There are many reasons why you may have a poor credit history. Credit cards could have been your primary means of support while you were gaining an education, a passion for shopping may have gotten the best of you or the decline in the economy might have left you jobless for a time. This article will give you some tips on how you can improve your situation.
For those with imperfect credit, it can be hard to secure financing for a home. See about getting an FHA loan, which are loans that the federal government guarantees. FHA loans are great for the individuals that do not have the financial capability to make down payments.
Interest Rates
You can lower your debt by refusing to acknowledge the part of your debt that has been accrued by significantly high interest rates. Some companies that charge high interest rates are running the risk of having those rates challenged by consumers. Your initial agreement likely included a commitment to pay interest. If you decide to sue your creditors, you should be able to have the interest rates recognized as too high.
Never trust a business or person who offers to clear up your credit for a price. Especially if it is correct information they say they can remove. Negative entries that are otherwise accurate will stay on your credit report for a minimum of seven years. However, information that is not correct can be removed.
Before you agree to any sort of repayment plan to settle your debts, consider how this will affect your credit score. Research all of your options, make an informed decision about the method you chose, and only then should you agree to the settlement. Creditors just want their money and really aren’t interested on how it will affect your score.
Make sure to check all three of your credit reports, and pay extra attention to the negative reports when you are working on repairing bad credit. The item may be essentially correct, but there may be an error someplace. If the date or amount, or some other thing is incorrect it may be possible to get the entire item removed.
Dispute any errors that are on your credit report so they are removed. You should contact the credit bureaus both online and by certified letter; be sure to include proof of your claims. Your letter should be sent with a request for return receipt, so you can have a record that it was received by the reporting agency.
Credit Card
Try to pay down all of your debts until you’re only carrying a balance on one. You can make arrangements to pay the balances, or transfer the balances of your closed credit card accounts to your single remaining credit card. You can pay down one credit card in full, rather than chipping away at many.
Be certain to get any credit repayment plan in writing. This provides you with documentation that an agreement is in place in case the company changes hands or the creditor tries to change the terms of the agreement. If you have finished paying it off, you should request a confirmation so you can send it to the credit reporting agencies.
Avoid filing for bankruptcy. This will reflect on your credit report for the next 10 years. It may sound like a good idea at the time to rid yourself of all your debt, but it will affect you later on. It may be hard to get a credit card or a loan if you declare bankruptcy.
It is important to read all credit card statements you receive. Make sure you aren’t paying for purchases you didn’t make. Do not trust the credit card companies to have your back, guarantee you do not pay debt that is not yours yourself.
Credit Score
To earn a higher credit score, keep revolving account balances low. Having a lower balance will boost your credit score. The FICO system makes a note to your credit report every time your account balance reaches a new 20% increment of your total available credit.
When lenders examine your personal credit history, they will not consider any statements you have made about the negative marks. The statement will only draw further attention to negative reports on your credit history.
Do not open more lines of credit that you can afford. Fight the overwhelming urge to say yes to a new credit card when it is offered to you at store checkouts, even if there is a large discount offered. If you continue to increase your debt, your credit score will continue to drop.
Past Due
Put together a plan to pay off the collection account and past due accounts. They are still going to show up on your credit report but they are going to be marked as paid so you will not have to deal with the ill effects of having unpaid debt that is past due.
Talk to creditors to try using alternate payment plans directly if you cannot make monthly payments. Creditors are often willing to work with you on a payment plan that does not negatively impact your credit report when you take the time to call them. This can also help to relieve some of the financial strain that you have been facing.
Investigate debt consolidation programs to see if their services can help you improve your credit rating. Debt consolidation is often the best option for debt reduction, which leads to faster repair of your credit. This lets you put all your debt under one monthly payment. Consider all aspects of consolidation to make sure it is the right choice for you.
Fixing your damaged credit may seem like an overwhelming task in the beginning, but with a bit of work and a bit of guidance, you can turn things around and get your credit back on track. Apply the knowledge from this article in order to assist you in repairing your credit score.