Do not approach personal bankruptcy in a capricious manner. Make sure that you know what you are doing every step of the way. Use these tips to get on the right track. No matter what obstacles fall in your path, you can overcome them with good research.
Honesty is of utmost importance during your filing, even though it may be tempting to “pad” your answers a little. Don’t hide income or assets from your lawyer or the bankruptcy trustee or you may find yourself in legal trouble.
Make sure you keep reminding your attorney about any important details in your case. Never assume that they can remember all details without reminders. Do not hesitate to speak up; this is your hearing and your future is on the line.
Check into less drastic solutions prior to declaring bankruptcy. If you owe small amounts of money, you can join a counseling program or straighten your finances out by yourself. You should also try negotiating a payment plan with your creditors; make sure you get a written agreement of the new payment plans.
Many bankruptcy attorneys offer the first consultation with no charge, so consult with several before deciding on one. By law, paralegals and assistants can not give legal advice, so be sure that you are meeting with an actual attorney. Taking the time to compare lawyers will ensure that you get a person that you can be yourself around.
There are two different kinds of personal bankruptcy you can file for: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Get a good grasp of the pluses and minuses each type of filing involves by researching both of them extensively. If you’re really not sure how this all works after your research, meet with your lawyer and ask them prior to making a decision.
It is imperative that you know for sure that bankruptcy is the option you need. Perhaps just consolidating some of your existing debt, could make them easier to manage. Declaring bankruptcy is a very involved process that can cause a good deal of anxiety. It will have a major effect on your credit as time goes on. Therefore, you must make sure that there is no other option that you could take before you file for bankruptcy.
Unsecured Debt
Consider if Chapter 13 bankruptcy is an option. If you have regular income and under $250K in unsecured debt, a Chapter 13 may be right for you. This will allow you to keep your personal property and real estate and repay your debts via a debt consolidation plan. This plan usually lasts from 3 to 5 years, after which, you will be discharged from all unsecured debt. Remember that you must make every payment. Missing even one could cause the court to dismiss your case.
Before you file for bankruptcy, make sure you understand your rights. Some bill collectors will tell you that your debts can’t be bankrupted. Only a few debts are immune to bankruptcy. Taxes, student loans and child support would be the major ones. If you are told by a debt collector that your debts are not dischargeable, make a record of your conversation and report the individual to the proper state authorities.
Take action when the time is right. Timing can be critical when it comes to personal bankruptcy cases. Sometimes, you may need to file quickly; however, at other times, you should wait until the worst is over. Speak with a lawyer specializing in bankruptcy in order to learn when you should file your petition.
Forget about detrimental terms, such as shame, when you are filing for personal bankruptcy. Feelings of low self-worth, shame and guilt are common for those who have come to the point where bankruptcy is their only option. These are useless emotions, however, and can be harmful to your mental state. Maintaining a positive outlook during a troublesome financial upheaval is the best way to cope with bankruptcy.
It is important to file bankruptcy before its too late. Some folks ignore financial difficulties for a long time, and this can be disastrous. It is very common for personal debts to snowball suddenly. When this happens, terrible consequences, such as wage garnishment and foreclosure result. The minute you realize that your debts are too big to take care of, contact a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.
After reading this article, you will know how to file a claim bankruptcy. Don’t stress about the amount of information before you. Sit back and soak in all that you read here. Afterwards you will be sure to make a good decision.