Selecting a good mortgage is key to being able to live comfortably down the road without any unexpected expenses. You need to know what you’re up against before you make any decisions. Figuring out what needs to be known will allow you to make a great decision.
When you’re in the process of getting a home loan, pay off your debts and avoid new ones. When consumer debt is lower, you’re able to qualify for higher mortgage loans. If you have high debt, your loan application may be denied. It could also cause the rates of your mortgage to be substantially higher.
If your home is not worth as much as you owe, and you have tried to refinance to no avail, try again. The HARP program has been re-written to allow people that own homes get that home refinanced no matter what their financial situation is. Discuss the matter with your lender, specifically asking how the new HARP rules impact your situation. If a lender will not work with you, go to another one.
Be sure and determine if your property has declined in value prior to applying for a new mortgage. Even though you might think everything is great with your home, the lending institution might value it much differently, and that may hurt getting approved for the mortgage.
Never abandon hope after a loan denial. Instead, visit another lender and apply for a mortgage. Lenders all look for different things. It is helpful to check with several lenders to find the best loan.
Research government programs that assist first time home buyers. You can find programs through the government that will help lower closing costs, and lenders who may work with people who have credit issues.
Before seeing a lender, get all of the financial papers you have together. The lender is going to need to see bank statements, proof that you’re making money, and every other financial asset you have in document form. Having all these documents ready ahead of time should make applying for a mortgage easier and will actually improve your chances of getting the deals.
Approved Counselors
If you are having difficulty paying a mortgage, seek out help. If you get behind on making payments, or if you are really struggling to meet them on-time, look into mortgage counseling. HUD-approved counselors exist in most regions. By using HUD approved counselors, your chances of going into foreclosure are lower. You can locate them on their website, or by calling their office.
Avoid dealing with shady lenders. While many are legitimate, there are just as many that may try to take advantage of you. If they offer strange financing options, with no money down, there is a good chance you are being taken. Unnaturally high rates are a red flag, so do not sign any papers. Bad credit scores are a problem. The lender should be upfront about that. Lenders who encourage you to lie about even small things on your application are bad news.
Credit Cards
Cut down on the credit cards you use before you get a house. Having a bunch of them, no matter the debt amount, may make you seem financially irresponsible. Having fewer credit cards could help you get a better interest rate on your mortgage.
Avoid variable interest rate mortgages. The interest rate on these types of loans can increase drastically, depending on how the economy changes, which can result in your mortgage doubling. This might cause you to not be able to make your payment.
If your credit is bad, save a lot towards a down payment. You should have at least 20 percent saved toward your down payment to increase the odds of getting approved.
If you are short on a down payment for the mortgage, see if the seller would think about taking a second mortgage to secure the mortgage for you. Many sellers just want to make a quick sale and will help you out. Of course, this will mean you must make two house payments every month; however, you will have gotten a mortgage.
Go online to look for mortgage financing options. While many were previously physical locations, this isn’t the case anymore. There are a lot of great lenders online that only do their business on the Internet. These loans are often processed quicker and they’re decentralized.
Open dialogue with your chosen home financing broker, and ask him, or her, to clarify anything you feel confused or unsure about. You need to know what’s going on. Make sure that your mortgage broker has all of the correct contact information for you. Look at your email frequently in case they need certain documents or updates on new information.
Use what you learned and make the right decision. There are quite a few things out there that can help you out, and that means you shouldn’t have to worry too much about your mortgage. Instead, you should let what you’ve learned here help you make a great decision.