Bad credit affects every financial transaction you make. You have doubtless experienced the downside of a low credit score. In a tough economy, most people see their credit score go down. This article will teach you how to protect and improve your credit.
Secured Credit Card
You may be able to get a secured credit card even if your poor credit has prevented you from getting other credit cards. When you open a secured credit card account, you place money on deposit to cover any charges you may make. This ensures in advance that you will have enough money to pay for your debt. Using this new credit card in a responsible manner will help to build back up your good credit rating.
Keep your credit card balances below 50 percent of your credit limit. Any balances that are over half your limit drag your credit rating down. So be sure to pay your credit card down or, if you can not, try to use another credit card.
Try an installment account to get a better credit score and make some money. When opening an installment account, you need to make a monthly payment, so get something you can afford. You might see a big improvement in your credit score, if you can handle an installment account responsibly.
Interest Rates
You can lower your debt by refusing to acknowledge the part of your debt that has been accrued by significantly high interest rates. There are laws that protect you from creditors that charge exorbitant interest rates. Keep in mind that you did sign a contract agreeing that interest rates were acceptable. The only way you are legally able to sue the creditors is if you are able to prove that your interest rates are much too high.
Call and request lower limits on your cards from the credit card companies. This is likely to keep you from overusing credit, which can be a financial burden. It also lets credit card companies know that you are responsible, and this makes them more likely to extend credit to you as time goes on.
If you find any errors in your credit reports, you should dispute them. Gather all supporting documents and any errors you find, and send them with a letter to the credit reporting agencies. Send your dispute package with a return receipt request so that you have proof that it was received by the agency.
Don’t spend more than you make each month. You you need to rewire your thought process. In the last decade, it has been way to easy for people to get credit. Many people have used this credit to buy items that they really could not afford at the time, and are now paying the price. Take a deep look at your finances, and determine what you can realistically afford to spend.
Credit Card Accounts
In order to start repairing your credit, you should close all but one of your credit card accounts. You can make arrangements to pay the balances, or transfer the balances of your closed credit card accounts to your single remaining credit card. It will be easier for you to make payments on a single credit card account, as opposed to several.
Do not file for bankruptcy if you do not have to. Bankruptcies appear on credit reports for ten years. It may seem like the right things to do, but your future will be affected. Though it may provide some immediate relief, be aware of how it will impact your access to credit in future years.
This is to keep your credit in good standing. Paying late is placed on your credit report which can hurt your chances of getting a loan.
Use these tips to eliminate your stress regarding your poor credit. These tips can help stop the free-fall of your credit score and start making your score rise.