If you just had some knowledge about the amount of money you owed and who you owed it to, you could have prevented this debt crisis. It’s now time to buckle down and fix your credit. The following article includes some easy to follow advice to get you on the road to repairing your credit.
Interest Rates
In order to make sure that you do not overpay, know that you can dispute your really high interest rates. Creditors are skirting aspects of the law when they hit you with high interest rates. However, you did sign an agreement to pay the interest. If you want to sue creditors, you need to state your claim that the interest rates are too high.
The first step to repairing your credit is paying what you owe. More specifically, pay them on time and in full. Your credit score starts to improve immediately upon paying off some of your past due bills.
When trying to repair your credit, research any credit counselors you consider using very thoroughly. You will find some counselors that truly want to help you fix your credit situation, while others may have different motives. Many others are nothing more than scams. It is wise for consumers to not give out personal information unless they are absolutely sure that the company is legit.
Avoid credit schemes that will get you in trouble. Creating a new credit score or using a different identity seem like easy solutions but bad credit is not worth taking this kind of risks. Creating a new credit file is very illegal and you can be easily caught. You could go to jail if you have a lot of legal issues.
Before you agree to enter a debt settlement, learn about what happens to your credit as a result of it. Some debt settlements are better than others. Do your homework and find out how your score will be impacted before agreeing to anything. Many collectors just want to get paid and don’t care about credit consequences.
When you want to rebuild your credit, take a close look at any negative reports that are harming your credit. Errors are not infrequent in credit reports. If you can prove the credit bureau is in the wrong, they should correct the reported error or remove it entirely.
Anything on your credit report that you feel is inaccurate should be disputed. Create a dispute letter for agencies that have the error, and submit additional supporting documents along with it. Send any correspondence by recorded mail to ensure proof of receipt by the agency.
Start living within your means. If you’ve been living outside your means, then get ready for a reality check. Getting credit has never been easier, making it just as easy for people to buy items they simply can’t afford. This, though, comes with a hefty interest price tag. Examine your budget, and figure out how much extra money you have to shop with.
Credit Card
Check your credit card statement each month and make sure there aren’t any discrepancies. Contact the credit card company right away if there are incorrect fees, so that they won’t be on your credit report.
To show that you are serious about improving your credit, start systematically lowering all of your account balances. Pay down your cards that have the highest interest and largest balances first. This will show responsibility to creditors.
Timely payments will keep your credit status in good standing. Every late payment appears on a credit report, and could potentially hurt your chances at a loan.
Try lowering the balance of any revolving accounts you have. Reducing the amount of debt you’re carrying is one of the best ways to improve your credit score. The FICO system will make a note when the balances are at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 percent of the total credit available.
Credit Score
If you go with a repair company to improve your credit score, be sure it is legitimate. There are plenty of credit restoration agencies that don’t follow through with their promises. Many people have fallen for scams involving credit score repair. Reading unbiased customer reviews will help you decide what company you want to work with.
Although they mean a lot to you, these statements are often set aside when lenders go over your credit history. The less you can do to attract attention to negative reports, the better.
Repairing credit is mostly done by common sense methods. This information puts the lie to that notion, so start repairing your credit today.